
Managing Media

The media section on your dashboard is where you can see and manage all your media files. Although you can upload files here, it's not necessary to do so before adding a product or an event. Anywhere, at any point, whenever you are adding content, it is possible to upload media.

Here we'll explain how the media section works.


To organise your media you can make use of folders. To add a folder, simply click on the + icon. You can then fill in the name of the folder and choose a colour for it.

Folders can be dragged inside folders. Files can be dragged into folders just the same,  like you would do as on a computer.

Uploading Media#

To upload new media just click on the upload button. You can drag your media into the file area, which supports uploading multiple files at once. You can also browse for your media on your device, which also supports uploading multiple files.

Editing Media#

There are two ways to edit media. You can double click on any file or click the ellipses. From here, you can edit, view and delete a file. Here's what can be edited.


By giving your files titles it will be easier to organise them. Search engines also love titled media, and for hearing or visual impaired people, titles improve accessibility.

Alt Text#

Alt text describes a file. It's an important aspect to improve search engine ranking. It can also be displayed in case the file itself isn't loaded or shown. The alt text improves accessibility for hearing and visual impaired people.


Sometimes, imagery or other kinds of media, do not explain enough by themselves. Captions can add additional information. Captions can be shown on imagery when a visitor hovers their mouse over an image.


Similar to captions, sometimes you want some extra information to be displayed. While a caption would be a short addition, the description would be used to contain more information.


Images can be further edited in the photo editor by clicking on the edit button. A wide selection of filters and settings are available.

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